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How to use

Training your dog with the Barking Mat in four easy steps

Step 1

Training with
The barking mat

Show your dog the mat. When the dog touches it with his/her paw and triggers the sound or causes the Wifi version to notify your cell phone, give the dog a treat. Once your dog is touching his/her paw to the mat every time you show it to him/her, proceed to step two. Remove the mat when you are not training.

Step 2

the barking mat
by the door

Place the mat by the door that you want your dog to use to go out and show him/her the mat. Give the dog a treat when he/she triggers the sound or Wifi notification by touching the mat. Once the dog is triggering the sound each time you point to the mat, go on to step three. Remove the mat when you are not training.

Step 3


Put the mat by the same door you have been training at. Let the dog watch you place a treat outside the door. Close the door and then point to the mat. When the dog steps on the mat and triggers the sound or Wifi, open the door and let the dog get the treat. Once the dog is stepping on the mat right away, to trigger the sound, when you place a treat outside the door, move onto step four. This time leave the mat in its spot by the door.

Step 4

it's go time

The next time you think the dog has to eliminate, follow the dog to the door and point to the mat. When the dog steps on the mat, open the door and let him/her out and repeat a cue word like “potty” or “eliminate”. Reward the dog with a treat when he/she finishes. Each time you let the dog out to eliminate, show the dog the mat and when the dog steps on it let him/her out, repeat the cue word you have chosen and feed the dog a treat when she finishes eliminating.